Choose Life - From Conception to its natural end


In Deuteronomy 30:19–20, we find one of Scripture’s most direct communications regarding the choices we make and God’s will for His people: “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life”

We are living in a time often referred to as the “Culture of Death,” where human life is increasingly regarded as disposable. In Canada, politicians across the spectrum continue to promote, support, and fund abortion and euthanasia. These topics are seldom discussed openly by politicians, who often claim that the debate is settled. However, a significant number of Canadians are pro-life and advocate for the elimination of abortion and euthanasia.

The widespread practice of abortion has resulted in the loss of millions of unborn lives, often justified under the guise of a woman’s “choice,” convenience, or as a method of birth control. Similarly, euthanasia is becoming an accepted means of ending life. Both practices are misleadingly framed as “health care” by the pro-abortion movement and by politicians who cater to this perspective, including some who identify as Christians and Catholics.

It is crucial that we do not support politicians and political parties that endorse abortion and euthanasia, especially when there are viable alternatives. The Knights of Columbus have consistently championed the sanctity and protection of life, from conception to natural death. Our Council remains committed to the pro-life cause by participating in March for Life events, Life Chain gatherings, and providing financial and moral support to organizations such as Priests for Life and Sisters of Life.

We urge all members of our Council to support this vital mission through active participation in related activities, fundraising efforts, and prayer.LIFE CHAIN

If you want to help with this very important undertaking by our Council, please contact our Life Director – Brother Ives Mazzarolo.


  • 2025 March for Life, Parliament Hill, Ottawa ~ Thursday May 8TH 2025.
  • Life Chain Sunday October 6th 2024. 2 to 3pm in front of the church at the corner of Harwood and Bayly. For more information, please see this year’s Life Chain page.
